Sunday, November 28, 2010

Mostly my weekend was okay, I had the good day on thursday with my mate, and then the evening with my sister, so it was actually a day off for me, I didnt spend much time with mam and dad either so it was different than it has been for me for a very long time.

I love my parents, so much and want to be there for them, but I think my brain knew it needed so time for itself, myself, I guess, even as I write this I feel selfish and I know Im not, but I worry about them so much, especially dad, who is struggling with his own illness and then struggling with mam's also, she wavers in and out of the present, and is very contrary most of the time, when she has a difficult day, we all have a difficult day, especially dad.

Saturday, dawned bitterly cold, with frost on the ground, I hate the cold, it just chills me to my core, I have been know to say it would freeze the tits of a mermaid! Crude I know but its because If I can feel the cold right there what the heck does the poor mermaid feel. haha

I didnt do much on Saturday just two hours of ironing in the morning, and then I spent three hours on the phone chatting to a new friend, who can talk just as good, maybe even better than me, it was good for me, I like her mind, it is very similar to mine, and I recognised ideas and opinions she had like my own. Thanks for that my dear.

The kids where like who are you talking too?, and what can you talk to someone that long about, so I did the old trick that mam used to use to us as kids, and tapped the lenght of my beak. NOSEY NOSEY.
They were so not impressed, but it was a laugh.

My oldest is making a christmas cake this year, her first ever, and I'm helping, well Help is what I should be saying, culinary skills are not my forte. Anyway we are trying, I suggested she make him one also, and it is supposed to be a easy cake to make, a fruit porter cake, so we shall see, I do so hope it goes well for her, she is a lovely lovely girl, and is struggling with our new way of life, well we all are, but she is so quiet, anway, Im not going into the misery today, lets hope the cake is good, and if not we ll try again, plenty of time anyway...

So I'm at work today anyway, and that poor mermaid, must be in bits, so I'm wearing a tshirt, shirt, jumper, and coat if I have to go out, so noone would even recognise my gender Im that well wrapped up, I did say I hate the cold didnt I..

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