Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tomorrow is another mediation day,
I thought I had finished with all this,
but as you know, he didnt play ball, and now we going in there again.

Everything is such a mess.

Of course I wish none of this had ever happened,
but I do not wish that as it has happened I don't know about it.
I would never want to go to being that stupid woman, who thought she had a good strong man in her life, I wouldnt say I thought the sun shone out of him, because after 24 years together I knew the faults he had, or to correct that thought I knew the faults he had.

I do miss him, yes, especially on days like today when one of the kids has a sick tummy, and I'm in work and she wants to stay home from school, now she is old enough to be home from school on her own, but I dont like it.

Normally she would only be home alone for about an hour and a half from when he goes to work at 2.30, til her sister came home from school,but that is different now. I hate it, I hate what his actions have done to our family our life.

What a sap.

Anyway, I suppose I'm really wound up because of tomorrow, how will this go, I'm hoping that we come out with the same agreement, financially, but I'm not sure, the threat he made if I dont stop going on about whore, to withdraw his agreement to pay, and drag me through the courts is still a possibilty, but F him, I will not withdraw the threat to him to keep whore away from me, because I am not a liar, and I will more than likely as we call it go for her, cause in my book, she is to blame more than him, because she should have said no, she should have sent him home to his wife and children, she knew.

Yes he is responsible but as I have said before, if it werent for women like whore, there would not be women like me.

I do of course believe that we women are the stronger sex, and that no matter where the blood flow is strongest, we WOMEN still think with our brains.

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