Sunday, October 10, 2010

A great family day, arrived My folks were 50 years married, and we had a massive party, they actually arranged it pretty much themselves, because it was something they wanted to do.
Now my dad, god help him, pulled me to one side and asked me was I gonna be okay with it, I said of course, sure wasnt it a great thing for them and us.
Dad had already told me that himself was not invited even if the kids wanted him to be there, I said that it was fine and I had already made it clear that he would not be invited, I dont think he would have had any intention of going anyway to be honest.
Anyway, it was all set, and off we went, there was some crowd, most of the cronies of mam and dad, as it should be, and then loads of family and friends.
It amazed me how most of the people there did not know that myself and himself had split, I had many embarrassing  moments, especially with older people, who seemed to think that the fact they were ol dears, gives them the right to know your business, all your business.
Where is he?, the first one asked me, how come he is not here, so I took a deep breath and out it came, he left me, we are not together anymore!
What!!!!, Why!! how come no one told me. Then the endless questions, so I stuck with the story, he wasnt happy, must be a mid life crisis, I dont know.
Then one of my relations says, well isnt he the bastard! shame on him, and the whole table agreed, now when she had the floor she decides to go for the killer question. Has he another woman, I swear to god you think kids know how to make a show of you in public, try being out with an o.a.p.
I stuck with the he wasnt happy, and I dont know and then extracted myself from their company as quick as I could, to say my ears burned was definitely an understatement.
Despite those trips down mortification valley, I had a good time, the rest of the night was great, and mam and dad had a ball, and  it was a pleasure to be with them, and watch them enjoying their moment.
It did of course sadden me at times because you know what, I truly believed that as long as we were alive we would be together, and thought we would celebrate many many more wedding anniversaries ourselves, but those things are gone now, and I will not allow them to spoil other peoples moments, cause the truth is I still believe in marriages, and pray that my kids do to, at least mam and dad give them a real good example of hanging in there and to see them, waltzing around the floor, still like a pair of young ones, well it did the heart and soul good.
Thank god for the nice moments!

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