Friday, October 8, 2010

So two weeks had passed and Id heard nothing, after our last communication, we didnt really speak and I avoided being around him when he picked up the kids, it probably was a bad time for them too.
Sometimes I think it all just got on top of me, worrying about being a responsible adult in front of them, took some strain, and I think it showed, I guess Im  not as strong as I thought I was, and had many cryey days those weeks.  many many cryey days.

I hadnt heard a word in relation to the mortgage application, but he had default on the payment, because he just paid in the amount he had said he could afford, which was his half, and he was unable or unwilling to pay anymore, I didnt know what was ahead if they refused us again, so on the day of our mediation, I went there, it was another horrible time with him saying that was all he could afford, and it was his constitutional right to have a life, a reasonable standard of a life.
Now I think even the mediatior was sickened by this comment and said yes, but so are the other four people in the family entitled to this reasonable life also. He was not impressed, but it had started to dawn on me that in this there is really only him, for him, and the rest of us are a burden that he doesnt want to pay for, but still wants to feel like a father to his kids, its like he is oblivious to anyone elses pain other than his.  He said he was going to drop the forms in after the meeting he hadnt had time. Jerk

After the meditation, I stood at a bus stop, and decided that I would go with him to the bank, I rang him and he hadnt left, so he picked me up, I swear to God, I sat in the car like there was a gale force wind shoving me up against the door of the car, I so didnt want to be near him, when we got to the bank, we waited and then someone came down , we talked explained the situation, I of course bawled like the wet blanket I had become, and they said they would discuss it with their people, and get back to us.

About 2 hours later we got the call, and it was good news, despite the fact that I didnt want the interest only mortgage it was a million times better than a repossession order if I couldnt make the difference up on what he
was willing to pay.

You know He seems to be like the person who falls in shite and comes out smelling of roses, and me well Im the person who falls in roses and comes out smelling of shite!

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