Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Now as well as my best sister, who is without doubt truly the best sister
I have other sisters, they are nice good people and they do of course love me (most of the time), and I do of course love them (ditto), however, when they ask me how am I, and I say grand (my most commonly used term at the moment).
I think I almost hear the sigh of relief that escapes them from every orifiace, Its not that they don't really care, its just they dont have enough time in their lives for my problems.

I dont really have a big problem with that, except sometimes just sometimes I would like them to say to me, no seriously how are you? and dont dive for cover under the mundane goings on of daily life.

Our dad is really sick at the moment, scarily so, and it has encouraged me to see how as a family we have pulled together, it got a bit sticky on a few occassions, but instead of bitching, well I should really clarify that with as well as bitching, we called each other, said what was annoying us and as one of my sisters said " built a bridge, and got over it"

I have a brother as well, when we were kids, we were best buds, I love him to bits, but he can be such a dork at times, I have adapted an old saying to suit him, it "A sister is a sister the whole of your life, A brother is a brother till he takes a wife".  Now dont get me wrong his wife is great craic, and gets on with us all.
If you were stood in front of them they would think of you and give you any help or advice you wanted, but if you re not in front of them, well then you re not there.

So, my parting words of advice, if you do have a sibling, especially a sister, (because we sisters crave the sisterhood!), If she says to you "Im Grand " or the equivalent of that term, chances are she is not. Stop what you are doing, look her in the eye, and say no I mean it

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